POET CAMP Registration

Writing Beyond the Poetic Line
with Guest Poet Ruben Quesada
March 15, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Google Meet
*This course is a sliding scale offering. If, for any reason the full rate presents a barrier to your joining us, please use the reduced rate. No questions asked!
Dive into the dynamic world where poetry meets prose! This workshop invites you to explore the innovative possibilities where traditional line breaks disappear, and yet the magic of poetry remains. You will experiment with the interplay between the precision of lineated poetry and the expansiveness of prose, paying close attention to language, syntax, and sound. Together, we’ll unpack poetic devices such as repetition, compression, and patterning while encouraging you to take creative risks rhythm and sound.
Please use the address where you’d prefer to receive any event related content such as self-enrollment links, Google Meet registration invitations, or pdfs with anchor texts and/or prompts.

Full Rate $50
Reduced Rate $25
Past Retreats