ONE-ON-ONE Details & Pricing
Individual Poem Feedback
Single poem
Line level comments, suggestions for revision. This is offered as a “Get to know me” option for those new to my classes/working with me.
*up to 2 pages
Trio of poems
Line level comments, suggestions for revision +30 minute Google Meet or phone conversation to go over my suggestions and any questions you might have.
*up to 5 pages
Five to Seven related poems
Line level comments, suggestions for revision, places which might welcome work along themes I notice in your work, +30 minute Google Meet or phone conversation to go over my suggestions and any questions you might have.
*up to 10 pages
Personalized Coaching
Poetry Submissions Coaching
Specific market suggestions and weekly submission goals tailored to your project/audience. Help creating a sustainable submissions plan.
*You’ll choose how many weeks before we begin.
Bite Sized Prompts
Whether you’d like a tailor made boost for a specific project you’re working on for a single week, or if you’re one of those brave souls who take on the thirty poems in thirty days, I’ll be your accountability coach and help you meet your muse to achieve these goals together! You’ll receive an encouraging email a day for the amount of time you determine, along with an energizing prompt to help you over the speed bumps that often occur. *This rate includes a half-hour long Google Meet before we begin to talk about your goals and specific project you’re working on during our time together.
Weekly pairs of prompts on a theme of your choosing via a midweek cheer leading/touch base email, with optional add on responses each week to what you’ve written each week.
Manuscript Consultation
Chapbook Manuscript Consultation
Close read. Line level comments including revision suggestions, re-ordering thoughts, ideas for expansion.
*up to 30 pages
Chapbook Manuscript Consultation + Letter
Everything included in basic consultation, with additional 3-5 page letter exploring themes I notice, suggestions for places to submit it when it’s finished. This option also includes a half-hour long Google Meet to go over the letter/wrap up.
*up to 30 pages
Full Length Manuscript Consultation
Close read plus analysis. Some line level comments, plus a letter including revision suggestions, observations about patterns and themes I see emerging in the work, ideas for re-ordering/expansion, thoughts on the collection’s title if you have one (and ideas if you don’t), submission suggestions and thoughts on who you might approach for blurbs. This option also includes an hour long Google Meet to go over the letter/wrap up.
*50-75 pages

Creativity Coaching, Mentoring, Weekly Touch Bases & More…
What do you and your Muse need most? What would best serve your poetic life and writing project where it’s at right now?
Would you benefit from a one-on-one discussion of a craft book to brush up on your skills and extend its reach with prompts?
Do you just need someone to push you to keep going on a weekly basis, and to help you make sure that you find time for your muse? Need help expanding a current project into the works which has reached a poetic cul-de-sac?
Let’s talk! <3